Piracy the outcome

so I was busy downloading some more torrents for the mish-mash that was my desktop so I was downloading a sonacc.peepeexe cus' I love me some so called 'horror' that was the first trollpasta and while doing so a pop up appeared that said in a pirate voice it seemed irate ha it rhymes irate pi rate, "oy me matey I see we 'ave some new recrutues" I heard a concophany of laughter I clicked on a button that read 'download 'ere me matey' and I obliged it then said a elete team of irate pirates have been dispatched and maybe the hit lead actor from 'everybody loves slendy man' I was covered in my own urine and pheeses so I unplugged my computer from the wall to make sure the downloads were corrupt and I went out side too find a giant pirate ship with helicopter wings strapped to the deck I was creating a fortress made of pheses at this point and I then saw the pirates wielding machettes and mag-7's some degles but worst of all some had duel wielding hand mounted gataling guns with thousands of shells on a belt I was doomed before I remembered me' day at the game store where slendy man said he would be forefever in my debt I was in masseve waves of pheses and euphoria I ran inside and used the land-line (outdated I know) and I found slendy man on my auto dial and phoned him I asked his secraterry to talk to him and said the code word for battle plan mjoneir I always loved that one if you are into militerry stuff like me you may or may not know this is the US armeys most infamous nuclear missle though it dissapered one, day lucky slendy man could teleport, the US army went into one of the highest levels of meltdown there was and they sent hundreds of fallout teams out and sent Obama into a special armored jet now mjoneir was a special type of missel it was a bunker buster it had a tunneling system meaning it could dig in and then explode at a optimal depth now slendy man brought me too a helicarrier way up above my house to watch the fireworks, the sky was a massive ball of flames as millions of atoms were torn apart at once the amount of nuclear fission and fusion that happened was so imence the helicarriers rotors were melted (I'm glad he installed a armoured under side) we started to plumit at about two geforce I was flying above the helicarrier and slendy man was teleporting me to safety I thought "I wondor if he'll be mad about his pirate friends" I then thought "best not to say" I was safe and in the slender mansion known as 'slender manor' I then thought "the insurance I got covered on nuclear explosions, I'M RICH" I decided to go scrooge mc duck and have a swimming pool filled with pound coins and a time machine I then went and expanded on my nuke-proof hard drive (hey I'm perpered) and downloaded sonacc.peepeexe
don't pirate games kids or you'll be nearly killed by irate pirates unless you have a friend called slendy man